
Pre-order information in the pre-order area, please refer to the various pre-order product pages, pre-order is required to pay in advance, if the same order contains pre-order and non-pre-order goods, it will be shipped together after the pre-order goods arrive at the station, causing inconvenience Please forgive me.
If you have any questions, please leave a message in private.

2024.09.28   SeeKnit - Curve系列 預購

◼︎ 預購時間:即日起~ 2024. 10. 04
◼︎ 預計11月中下旬到貨後寄出。
◼︎ 購Seeknit品項滿3,500元免台灣國內運費(因系統關係,如已達免運門檻,會另外手動退運費)。
◼︎ 加入小島Line好友,再享SeeKnit - Curve系列預購98折優惠 (https://lin.ee/9FysJEr)

‎Seeknit- Curve2.‎1‎Seeknit- Curve2.‎2‎Seeknit- Curve2.‎3

‎Seeknit- Curve2.‎4

* Myak 預購

Pre-order Notes:

  1. 每色預購為5絞/球起訂(顯示價格即為5~9絞/球,且5絞/球一單位為最優惠價),預購期間內完成付款才算有預購到。
  2. 預購時間:即日起~ 2025年2月2日
  3. 預計2月下旬到貨後寄出。
  4. The pre-order price is the best + free shipping in Taiwan, and there will be no free shipping at this price in the future retail price.
  5. If the same order contains non-pre-ordered goods, you are also willing to wait for them to be sent together, and you can ship them together for free (due to the system relationship, if you have reached the free shipping threshold, you will manually return the freight);If you don't want to wait for the shipment together, please place separate orders.

