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【Stone Wool】Delaine Merino・Delaine 霧感美麗諾

NT$ 460.00
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Stone Wool|Delaine Merino・Delaine Mist Merino

Delaine Mist Merino, a Merino breed from the Belle Fourche region of South Dakota, USA, is known for its delicate and bouncy Merino wool. The 2 ply spinning method not only retains the unique elasticity of merino wool, but also increases the durability of the yarn!

Delaine mist merino has a mist like cotton cotton, with slender fibers sandwiched with a slight luster, which is quite different from the common merino silky appearance, and the feel is also like a marshmallow, very puffy, Q elastic, full of air, so that the fabric has a light stiffness and soft touch at the same time, and the performance of twist or rib texture is very three-dimensional!

  • Wire Composition: 100% Delaine Merino (American Merino Sheep).
  • Weight / Wire length per ball: 50g/173m
  • Wire thickness: Sport, 2ply
  • Recommended needle size (rod needle): 3.75mm
  • Fabric density: 21 needles = 10cm

Wire Fabric Demonstration Drawing: Ridge Sweater by Hiromi (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ridge-sweater)


  • Size: 2 (Long Sleeve)
  • Shade: Rime・Smoke
  • Dosage: 7 strands
  • Density: 3.75mm, flat needle, after launching and shaping, 18 needles * 30 segments = 10cm
  • Note:D elaine Merino will loosen the fibers after entering the water, so be sure to check the density to determine the size to knit, and if you have loose hands, you can use a 3.5mm gauge instead.

【Brand Story】

Stone Wool from the United States is a branch brand of Quince &Co. / Twig &Horn that mainly produces small batches of "specific breed" wool.

In 2014, Whitney Hayward, a photojournalist, started her interest in hand-spinning at home, collecting a variety of different varieties of wool from New England, discovering the characteristics of different varieties of wool, and the changes and influences of different spinning methods on each type of wool.

Because of the love of different varieties of wool yarn, and in order to let more people know, Stone Wool joined the Quince &Co./ Twig &Horn team, and began to move from hand-spinning thread to Stone Wool's woven yarn production, and as far as possible, in the vicinity of its hometown, small batch production of specific varieties of yarn to ensure the stability of quality and source.

If you like to explore the wire made from different sheep breeds in the world, you must not miss Stone Wool!
